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August 9, 2009 Another trip to Chatham County to dig for quartz.  Today Joe and I got an early start in order
to try and get there before the sun began to turn the place into an oven.  We settled down in the same spot we
were finding them in the past and began shoveling away.  I followed the yellow and white clay in order to find the
pockets within the veins.  It wasn't long before I began finding crystals.
The mixture of white, red, and yellow clay was trippy to look at.  There is no way to describe the feeling of getting
into a pocket of clay that looks like this and pulling out crystals but it is something I will always remember.
Joe pulled this one out from where he was digging.
Here a crystal sits in the pocket clay ready to be extracted.
This is the same crystal with the clay removed.  A double terminated crystal.
And here is the same crystal cleaned with a toothbrush and water.
Sometimes you don't know what you have until you wash it off.
This is what was under all that clay. 
Here's another piece I found that day.  It was cleaned in Super Iron Out.
This is a double terminated crystal I found in Chatham County with Joe Moylan, the voice
and digger on the video. Joe was kind enough to extract it while I taped him.
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