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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Fluorite - September 2014 (Read 31883 times)
Scott LaBorde
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Fluorite - September 2014
Sep 2nd, 2014 at 8:56am
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The random letter I pulled was "F" for September.  Being the debut of the "Mineral of the Month" I figured why not start with an "F" everyone likes.

Fluorite (also called fluorspar) is the mineral form of calcium fluoride, CaF2. It belongs to the halide minerals. It crystallizes in isometric cubic habit, although octahedral and more complex isometric forms are not uncommon.
Fluorite is a colorful mineral, both in visible and ultraviolet light, and the stone has ornamental and lapidary uses. Industrially, fluorite is used as a flux for smelting, and in the production of certain glasses and enamels. The purest
grades of fluorite are a source of fluoride for hydrofluoric acid manufacture, which is the intermediate source of most fluorine-containing fine chemicals. Optically clear transparent fluorite lenses have low dispersion, so lenses made from it exhibit less chromatic aberration, making them valuable in microscopes and telescopes. Fluorite optics are also usable in the far-ultraviolet range where conventional glasses are too absorbent for use.

History and etymology

Fluorite derives from the Latin noun fluo, meaning a stream or flow of water. In verb form this was fluor or fluere, meaning to flow. The mineral is used as a flux in iron smelting to decrease the viscosity of slags. The melting point of calcium fluoride is 1676 K. The term flux comes from the Latin noun fluxus, a wash or current of water. The mineral fluorite was originally termed fluorospar and was first discussed in print in a 1530 work Bermannus, sive de re metallica dialogus [Bermannus; or a dialogue about the nature of metals], by Georgius Agricola, as a mineral noted for its usefulness as a flux. Agricola, a German scientist with expertise in philology, mining, and metallurgy, named fluorspar as a Neo Latinization of the German Flussespar from Flusse (stream, river) and "Spar" (meaning a nonmetallic mineral akin to gypsum, spζrstān, spear stone, referring to its crystalline projections).

In 1852 fluorite gave its name to the phenomenon of fluorescence, which is prominent in fluorites from certain locations, due to certain impurities in the crystal. Fluorite also gave the name to its constitutive element fluorine. Presently, the word "fluorspar" is most commonly used for fluorite as the industrial and chemical commodity, while "fluorite" is used mineralogically and in most other senses.

Main article: calcium fluoride

Fluorite crystallises in a cubic motif. Crystal twinning is common and adds complexity to the observed crystal habits. Fluorite has four perfect cleavage planes that help produce octahedral fragments.

Element substitution for the calcium cation often includes certain rare earth elements (REE) such as yttrium and cerium. Iron, sodium, and barium are also common impurities. Some fluorine may be replaced by the chlorine anion.

Occurrence and mining

Fluorite may occur as a vein deposit, especially with metallic minerals, where it often forms a part of the gangue (the surrounding "host-rock" in which valuable minerals occur) and may be associated with galena, sphalerite, barite, quartz, and calcite. It is a common mineral in deposits of hydrothermal origin and has been noted as a primary mineral in granites and other igneous rocks and as a common minor constituent of dolostone and limestone.

Fluorite is a widely occurring mineral which is found in large deposits in many areas. Notable deposits occur in China, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, England, Norway, Mexico, and both the Province of Ontario and Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada. Large deposits also occur in Kenya in the Kerio Valley area within the Great Rift Valley. In the United States, deposits are found in Missouri, Oklahoma, Illinois, Kentucky, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Ohio, New Hampshire, New York, Alaska, and Texas. Fluorite has been the state mineral of Illinois since 1965. At that time, Illinois was the largest producer of fluorite in the United States, but the last fluorite mine in Illinois was closed in 1995.

The world reserves of fluorite are estimated at 230 million tonnes (Mt) with the largest deposits being in South Africa (about 41 Mt), Mexico (32 Mt) and China (24 Mt). China is leading the world production with about 3 Mt annually (in 2010), followed by Mexico (1.0 Mt), Mongolia (0.45 Mt), Russia (0.22 Mt), South Africa (0.13 Mt), Spain (0.12 Mt) and Namibia (0.11 Mt).

One of the largest deposits of fluorspar in North America is located in the Burin Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada. The first official recognition of fluorspar in the area was recorded by geologist J.B. Jukes in 1843. He noted an occurrence of "galena" or lead ore and fluorite of lime on the west side of St. Lawrence harbour. It is recorded that interest in the commercial mining of fluorspar began in 1928 with the first ore being extracted in 1933. Eventually at Iron Springs Mine, the shafts reached depths of 970 feet (300 m). In the St. Lawrence area, the veins are persistent for great lengths and several of them have wide lenses. The area with veins of known workable size comprises about 60 square miles (160 km2).
Cubic crystals up to 20 cm across have been found at Dalnegorsk, Russia. The largest documented single crystal of fluorite was a cube 2.12 m in size and weighing ~16 tonnes.

"Blue John"

Main article: Derbyshire Blue John

One of the most famous of the older-known localities of fluorite is Castleton in Derbyshire, England, where, under the name of Derbyshire Blue John, purple-blue fluorite was extracted from several mines or caves, including the famous Blue John Cavern. During the 19th century, this attractive fluorite was mined for its ornamental value. The mineral Blue John is now scarce, and only a few hundred kilograms are mined each year for ornamental and lapidary use. Mining still takes place in both the Blue John Cavern and the nearby Treak Cliff Cavern.

Recently discovered deposits in China have produced fluorite with coloring and banding similar to the classic Blue John stone.


Fluorescing fluorite from Boltsburn Mine Weardale, North Pennines, County Durham, England, UK.

George Gabriel Stokes named the phenomenon of fluorescence from fluorite, in 1852.

Many samples of fluorite exhibit fluorescence under ultraviolet light, a property that takes its name from fluorite. Many minerals, as well as other substances, fluoresce. Fluorescence involves the elevation of electron energy levels by quanta of ultraviolet light, followed by the progressive falling back of the electrons into their previous energy state, releasing quanta of visible light in the process. In fluorite, the visible light emitted is most commonly blue, but red, purple, yellow, green and white also occur. The fluorescence of fluorite may be due to mineral impurities such as yttrium, ytterbium, or organic matter such as volatile hydrocarbons in the crystal lattice. In particular, the blue fluorescence seen in fluorites from certain parts of Great Britain responsible for the naming of the phenomenon of fluorescence itself, has been attributed to the presence of inclusions of divalent europium in the crystal.

The color of visible light emitted when a sample of fluorite is fluorescing depends on where the original specimen was collected; different impurities having been included in the crystal lattice in different places. Neither does all fluorite fluoresce equally brightly, even from the same locality. Therefore, ultraviolet light is not a reliable tool for the identification of specimens, nor for quantifying the mineral in mixtures. For example, among British fluorites, those from Northumberland, County Durham, and eastern Cumbria are the most consistently fluorescent, whereas fluorite from Yorkshire, Derbyshire, and Cornwall, if they fluoresce at all, are generally only feebly fluorescent.

Fluorite also exhibits the property of thermoluminescence.
Fluorite crystals on display at the Cullen Hall of Gems and Minerals, Houston Museum of Natural Science

Fluorite is allochromatic, meaning that it can be tinted with elemental impurities. Fluorite comes in a wide range of colors and has consequently been dubbed "the most colorful mineral in the world". Every color of the rainbow in various shades are represented by fluorite samples, along with white, black, and clear crystals. The most common colors are purple, blue, green, yellow, or colorless. Less common are pink, red, white, brown, and black. Color zoning or banding is commonly present. The color of the fluorite is determined by factors including impurities, exposure to radiation, and the absence or voids of the color centers.


Source of fluorine and fluoride

Fluorite is a major source of hydrogen fluoride, a commodity chemical used to produce a wide range of materials. Hydrogen fluoride is liberated from the mineral by the action of concentrated sulfuric acid:

    CaF2(s) + H2SO4 → CaSO4(s) + 2 HF(g)

The resulting HF is converted into fluorine, fluorocarbons, and diverse fluoride materials. As of the late 1990s, five billion kilograms were mined annually.

There are three principal types of industrial use for natural fluorite, commonly referred to as "fluorspar" in these industries, corresponding to different grades of purity. Metallurgical grade fluorite (60–85% CaF2), the lowest of the three grades, has traditionally been used as a flux to lower the melting point of raw materials in steel production to aid the removal of impurities, and later in the production of aluminium. Ceramic grade fluorite (85–95% CaF2) is used in the manufacture of opalescent glass, enamels and cooking utensils. The highest grade, "acid grade fluorite" (97% or more CaF2), accounts for about 95% of fluorite consumption in the US where it is used to make hydrogen fluoride and hydrofluoric acid by reacting the fluorite with sulfuric acid.

Internationally, acid-grade fluorite is also used in the production of AlF3 and cryolite (Na3AlF6), which are the main fluorine compounds used in aluminium smelting. Alumina is dissolved in a bath that consists primarily of molten Na3AlF6, AlF3, and fluorite (CaF2) to allow electrolytic recovery of aluminium. Fluorine losses are replaced entirely by the addition of AlF3, the majority of which will react with excess sodium from the alumina to form Na3AlF6.

Lapidary uses

Natural fluorite mineral has ornamental and lapidary uses. Fluorite may be drilled into beads and used in jewelry, although due to its relative softness it is not widely used as a semiprecious stone. It is also used for ornamental carvings, with expert carvings taking advantage of the stone's zonation.


In the laboratory, calcium fluoride is commonly used as a window material for both infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths, since it is transparent in these regions (about 0.15 ΅m to 9 ΅m) and exhibits extremely low change in refractive index with wavelength. Furthermore the material is attacked by few reagents. At wavelengths as short as 157 nm, a common wavelength used for semiconductor stepper manufacture for integrated circuit lithography, the refractive index of calcium fluoride shows some non-linearity at high power densities, which has inhibited its use for this purpose. In the early years of the 21st century, the stepper market for calcium fluoride collapsed, and many large manufacturing facilities have been closed. Canon and other manufacturers have used synthetically grown crystals of calcium fluoride components in lenses to aid apochromatic design, and to reduce light dispersion. This use has largely been superseded by newer glasses and computer-aided design. As an infrared optical material, calcium fluoride is widely available and was sometimes known by the Eastman Kodak trademarked name "Irtran-3", although this designation is obsolete.

Fluorite has a very low dispersion, so lenses made from it exhibit less chromatic aberration than those made of ordinary glass. However, naturally occurring fluorite crystals without optical defects were only large enough to produce microscope elements.

With the advent of synthetically grown fluorite (calcium fluoride crystal), it could be used instead of glass in some high-performance telescopes and camera lens elements. Its use for prisms and lenses was studied and promoted by Victor Schumann near the end of the 19th century.
In telescopes, fluorite elements allow high-resolution images of astronomical objects at high magnifications. Canon Inc. produces synthetic fluorite crystals that are used in their more expensive telephoto lenses.

Exposure tools for the semiconductor industry make use of fluorite optical elements for ultraviolet light at wavelengths of about 157 nanometers. Fluorite has a uniquely high transparency at this wavelength. Fluorite objective lenses are manufactured by the larger microscope firms (Nikon, Olympus, Carl Zeiss and Leica). Their transparence to ultraviolet light enables them to be used for fluorescence microscopy. The fluorite also serves to correct optical aberrations in these lenses. Nikon has previously manufactured at least one all-fluorite element camera lens (105 mm f/4.5 UV) for the production of ultraviolet images. Konica produced a fluorite lens for their SLR cameras – the Hexanon 300 mm f6.3.
Source of fluorine gas in nature

In 2012, the first source of naturally occurring fluorine gas was found in fluorite mines in Bavaria, Germany. It was previously thought that fluorine gas did not occur naturally because it is so reactive and would rapidly react with other chemicals. Fluorite is normally colorless but some varied forms found nearby look black and are known as 'fetid fluorite' or antozonite. The minerals, containing small amounts of uranium and its daughter products, release radiation sufficiently energetic to induce oxidation of fluoride anions within the structure to fluorine that becomes trapped inside the mineral. The color of fetid fluorite is predominantly due to the calcium atoms remaining. Solid state fluorine-19 NMR was carried out on the gas escaping the antozonite revealed a peak at 425 ppm, which is consistent with F2.

And here is the page from wikipedia containing all the above information:
Here's a link to the page on fluorite:
« Last Edit: Sep 30th, 2014 at 2:40pm by Scott LaBorde »  

Scott LaBorde
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Scott LaBorde
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Re: Fluorite
Reply #1 - Sep 2nd, 2014 at 9:22am
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CategoryHalide mineral
(repeating unit) CaF2
Strunz classification03.AB.25
Crystal symmetryIsometric H–M Symbol 4/m 3 2/m
Unit cell a = 5.4626 Ε; Z=4
ColorColorless. Samples are often deeply colored owing to impurities.
Crystal habitWell-formed coarse sized crystals; also nodular, botryoidal, rarely columnar or fibrous; granular, massive
Crystal systemIsometric, cF12, SpaceGroup Fm3m, No. 225
TwinningCommon on {111}, interpenetrant, flattened
CleavageOctahedral, perfect on {111}, parting on {011}
FractureSubconchoidal to uneven
Mohs scale hardness4 (defining mineral)
DiaphaneityTransparent to translucent
Specific gravity3.175–3.184; to 3.56 if high in rare-earth elements
Optical propertiesIsotropic; weak anomalous anisotropism
Refractive index1.433–1.448
Solubilityslightly water soluble and in hot HCl acid
Other characteristicsMay be Fluorescent, Phosphorescent, Thermoluminescencent, and/or Triboluminescent

And here is the page from wikipedia containing all the above information:

Scott LaBorde
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Laurie Adams
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Re: Fluorite
Reply #2 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 8:19pm
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Here’s a list of the Fluorite localities in North Carolina that I am aware of. I’m sure some of you can add to this list

1)  Hamme Mine - Vance Co.  (Rare and highly prized translucent emerald green cubo-octahedral crystals to 1.5 inches in miniature to large cabinet size plates, highly sought after.  The States finest fluorite)
2)  Standard Minerals Mine, Glendon - Moore Co.  (Older area with blue, aquamarine blue and blue-green cubic crystals up to 1.25 inches on quartz matrix;  current area with smaller modified cubic to cubo-octahedral crystals on quartz matrix, often in mixed colors or color zoning of purple to blue to yellow)
3)  Martin Marietta Quarry, Woodleaf - Rowan Co.  (Purple microcrystals and coatings with green epidote, plus very rare trisoctahedral fluorite micro crystals)
4)  US Hwy. 321 Roadcut - Caldwell Co.  (massive light purple with white calcite, small deposit in roadcut just south of Blowing Rock)
5)  Martin Marietta Quarry, Hickory - Catawba Co.  (Purple microcrystals and coatings)
6)  Foote Mine - Cleveland Co.  (Microcrystals)
7)  Ray Mine - Yancey Co.   (Fluorite pseudomorphs after apatite reported)
8)  Wake Stone Quarry, Moncure - Lee Co.   (Microcrystals)
9)  Various Mines in Stackhouse area - Madison Co.  (Massive purple with white barite, nice cabbing material)
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Re: Fluorite
Reply #3 - Sep 3rd, 2014 at 11:19pm
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Thanks for starting the list for Fluorite localities in NC.  Here are additional localities from  This list includes those that you listed, but I left them in this list because references were included with the mine data.

Alleghany Co. [National Geochemical Database - Rocks, file W168941: USGS]
Ashe Co.
•      Mount Rogers Formation [U.S Geological Survey 2005 - Geochemistry of igneous rocks in the U.S (Pluto database)]
Avery Co. [Odom, A.L., (1971) A Rb-Sr Istopic Study; Implications Regarding The Age, Origin, and Evolution of A Portion of the Southern Appalachians, Western North Carolina, Southwestern Virginia, and Northeastern Tennessee: P.h.D. Dissertation, UNC, Chapel Hill, 92 p.]      

Beaufort Co.
•      Aurora Mine (Lee Creek Mine), Aurora, North Carolina Phosphate District [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]

•      Canvas Creek Mine (North Carolina Phosphate Corp.), North Carolina Phosphate District [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]

•      Pungo River Deposit, North Carolina Phosphate District [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]
•      Pamlico River [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]

Burke Co.
•      Unnamed Fluorite Occurrence HI-012 (MRDS - 10079272), Morganton [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]

•      Unnamed Fluorite-Specularite-Gneiss Quarry (MRDS - 10089708), Smyrna [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]
Caldwell Co. [National Geochemical Database; Rocks, United States Geological Survey, specimen #173003]
•      US highway 321 roadcut sites [Dirty Rockhounds Bulletin Board]

Catawba Co.
•      Martin Marietta Quarry (11th Avenue Quarry), Hickory [K. Wood collection]
Cleveland Co.
•      Foote Lithium Co. Mine (Foote Mine), Kings Mountain District [Rocks and Minerals, (1985) 60:76-82]      

•      Kings Mountain Mine (Catawba Mine), Kings Mountain District [USGS Prof Paper 610 "Principal Gold Producing Districts of the United States"]

??Dare Co.
•      Stumpy Point Pluton [Speer, J. Alexander. (1981) Petrology of Cordierite-And Almandine-Bearing Granitoid Plutons of the Southern Appalachian Piedmont, USA. Canadian Mineralogist, Vol.19, pg. 35-46 (1981)]      

Gaston Co.
•      Long Creek Mine, Lincolnton [Dana 6: 1076.]

Halifax Co.
•      Boy Scout Occurrence (Moss-Richardson; Jones; Dryden) [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]
Lee Co.
•      Moncure Quarry (Wake Stone Corporation), Moncure [Kenny Gay Collection]

Madison Co.
•      Betts Sandy Bottom Property (Betts Mine; and Gillespie Mine; Rollins Chemical Company Mine; Includes The Nettie Mine; Martha Mine), Hot Springs Barite District [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]
•      Gahagan Mine, Hot Springs Barite District [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]
•      Long Mountain Mines, Hot Springs Barite District [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]
•      Mine Ridge Prospects, Hot Springs Barite District [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]

•      Stackhouse Mine (Defender Mine [included]), Hot Springs Barite District [Michael Streeter., 2003, A Rockhounding Guide to North Carolinas Blue Ridge Mountains: pp. 70-71]

Mitchell Co.
•      McHone Mine pegmatite, Spruce Pine District, North Carolina, USA      (Fluorite var: Chlorophane)

•      Crabtree Mine (Big Crabtree Emerald Mine), Spruce Pine, Spruce Pine District [Jacquot Jr, Richard James., 2003, Rock, Gem, and Mineral Collecting Sites in Western North Carolina]

Moore Co.
•      Glendon Pyrophyllite Mine & mill (Ward Mine; Glendon and Robbins Mine; Womble Mine), Glendon District [Rocks & Min.: 60: 92.]
•      Standard Mineral Company Mine, Cabin Creek, Robbins District [Rocks & Min.: 60: 92. ]

Pitt Co.
•      Fountain Quarry, Fountain [Alkaline Rocks and Carbonates of the World Part 1, North and South America-Wolley, A.R.-1987]

Randolph Co.
•      Pilot Mountain [Schmidt, Robert G. (1985) High-Alumina Hydrothermal Systems in Volcanic Rocks, and their Significance to Mineral Prospecting in the Carolina Slate Belt: U.S Geological Survey Bulletin #1562]

Rockingham Co.
•      Reidsville Quarry [J. Wright Horton, Jr., and Donald J. Geddes, Jr (2006) Geologic Map of The Upper Wolf Island Creek Watershed, Reidsville Area, Rockingham County, North Carolina: USGS Scientific Investigations Map 2871]
Rowan Co.
•      Balfour Quarry [Fullagar, P.D., Lemmon, R.E., and Ragland, P.C. (1971) Petrology and Geochronological Studies of Plutonic Rocks In The Southern Applachians; I, The Salisbury Pluton: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.82, p. 409-416]

•      Pink Star Quarry [Fullagar, P.D., Lemmon, R.E., and Ragland, P.C. (1971) Petrology and Geochronological Studies of Plutonic Rocks In The Southern Applachians; I, The Salisbury Pluton: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.82, p. 409-416]
•      Woodleaf Quarry, Woodleaf [Rocks & Min.: 60:96; Tschernich, R. (1992): Zeolites of the World, 116]

Surry Co.
•      Elkin Quarry [Stephan Brewer Harper, 1977, The Age and Origin of Granitic Gneisses of the Inner Piedmont, Northwestern North Carolina]

Swain Co.
•      Cox No. 1 Feldspar and Kaolin Mine, Bryson City Feldspar District [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]

Vance Co.
•      Tungsten Queen Mine and plant (Hamme Mine; Haile Mines; Sneed-Walker), Tungsten, Hamme Tungsten District [Parker, John M. "Geologic setting of the Hamme Tungsten District North Carolina and Virginia". NCGS bulletin 1122-G, Raleigh, 1963; Econ Geol (1980) 75:515-522]

Watauga Co. [Genth, F.A (1891) The Minerals Of North Carolina: USGS Bulletin No.74]

Wilkes Co. [National Geochronological Database Sample #6779: USGS -MRDS]
•      Rock Quarry Road site, North Wilkesboro [Harper, S.B. (1977) The Age and Origin Of Granitic Gneisses Of The Inner Piedmont, Northwestern North Carolina: M.S Thesis , U.N.C., Chapel Hill, 92 pages]      

Yancey Co.
•      Ray Mica Mine (Wray Mine), Hurricane Mountain, Burnsville, Spruce Pine District [Miller, J.W. and Allen, C.W. "Mineralogy of the Ray Mica Mine, Yancey County, North Carolina." UNCA, 2001.]  (Fluorite, var: Chlorophane, var: Yttrofluorite, and var: Yttrocerite)

The Dare Co. record may be in error, because most of the county is a sand dune with no plutons near the surface. 

Add more localities if you can find them.  It would be great to have a complete list for NC.


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Laurie Adams
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Re: Fluorite
Reply #4 - Sep 4th, 2014 at 8:06am
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Many of the fluorite "localities" listed in Mindat for NC refer to samples that were analyzed and found to contain microscopic traces of fluorite.  For the purposes of rockhounds, I would not classify these as NC fluorite localities.  If it cannot be seen with the naked eye, cannot be collected, or even identified without expensive analysis, then I would not call it a fluorite locality.  If we used this logic, there would be a quadrillion billion quartz localities in NC.
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Re: Fluorite
Reply #5 - Sep 4th, 2014 at 8:37am
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I agree, Laurie.  Let me know which of the localities I listed that you consider sample (trace) sites or actual fluorite specimen localities.  I know the Beaufort and Dare counties sites should be deleted from the list.  Advise which others I should delete, also.

Thanks for the input.

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Re: Fluorite
Reply #6 - Sep 4th, 2014 at 10:58am
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Great job guys. The list from Mindat is much more extensive
than I thought it would be for NC.
First, of course, it would be nice to compile a list of fluorite occurences in NC.
But, yes and furthermore, it would be nice to separate that list into
"Trace" sites and "Specimen" sites. In that pursuit it may be helpful to
divide the lists into the three different geophysical regions;
Coastal, Piedmont, and Mountain.
It may be "tricky" and interesting designating particular sites
"on the line" to one region or another.
For example this site that must be added to the list;

Harnett Co.-
Hanson Quarry, Hwy 210, Bunn Level, NC. Eastern edge Piedmont Region.
Thin seams of purple flourite common, occaisionally pockets with up to 1" cubes of purple and green fluorite.

I am guessing Piedmont but it is so close to the eastern edge
I'll have to take a closer look at the maps.
A report on this quarry is here;

or if the link doesn't work you can find the report in the Field Trips section under "Hanson Bunn Level Quarry".

I sure am glad we aren't talking about Quartz here! Tongue Wink


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Laurie Adams
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Re: Fluorite
Reply #7 - Sep 5th, 2014 at 8:23am
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I have deleted the entries that I know to be trace sites or are in error.  For instance, the Crabtree Emerald Mine listing is ridiculous!  It cites Rick Jaquot's book as the reference, but the book says nothing about fluorite!  The Mchone mine chlorophane has positively been confirmed.  Some of the other entries I am not aware of, they may be trace, or may be stains and/or micro crystals.  The Madison Co. entries are all probably legit, I've been to a couple of these, but not all.

Burke Co.
•      Unnamed Fluorite Occurrence HI-012 (MRDS - 10079272), Morganton [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]

•      Unnamed Fluorite-Specularite-Gneiss Quarry (MRDS - 10089708), Smyrna [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]
Caldwell Co. [National Geochemical Database; Rocks, United States Geological Survey, specimen #173003]
•      US highway 321 roadcut sites [Dirty Rockhounds Bulletin Board]

Catawba Co.
•      Martin Marietta Quarry (11th Avenue Quarry), Hickory [K. Wood collection]
Cleveland Co.
•      Foote Lithium Co. Mine (Foote Mine), Kings Mountain District [Rocks and Minerals, (1985) 60:76-82]         

Halifax Co.
•      Boy Scout Occurrence (Moss-Richardson; Jones; Dryden) [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]
Lee Co.
•      Moncure Quarry (Wake Stone Corporation), Moncure [Kenny Gay Collection]

Madison Co.
•      Betts Sandy Bottom Property (Betts Mine; and Gillespie Mine; Rollins Chemical Company Mine; Includes The Nettie Mine; Martha Mine), Hot Springs Barite District [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]
•      Gahagan Mine, Hot Springs Barite District [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]
•      Long Mountain Mines, Hot Springs Barite District [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]
•      Mine Ridge Prospects, Hot Springs Barite District [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]

•      Stackhouse Mine (Defender Mine [included]), Hot Springs Barite District [Michael Streeter., 2003, A Rockhounding Guide to North Carolinas Blue Ridge Mountains: pp. 70-71]

Mitchell Co.
•      McHone Mine pegmatite, Spruce Pine District, North Carolina, USA      (Fluorite var: Chlorophane)

Moore Co.
•      Glendon Pyrophyllite Mine & mill (Ward Mine; Glendon and Robbins Mine; Womble Mine), Glendon District [Rocks & Min.: 60: 92.]

Pitt Co.
•      Fountain Quarry, Fountain [Alkaline Rocks and Carbonates of the World Part 1, North and South America-Wolley, A.R.-1987]

Rockingham Co.
•      Reidsville Quarry [J. Wright Horton, Jr., and Donald J. Geddes, Jr (2006) Geologic Map of The Upper Wolf Island Creek Watershed, Reidsville Area, Rockingham County, North Carolina: USGS Scientific Investigations Map 2871]
Rowan Co.
•      Balfour Quarry [Fullagar, P.D., Lemmon, R.E., and Ragland, P.C. (1971) Petrology and Geochronological Studies of Plutonic Rocks In The Southern Applachians; I, The Salisbury Pluton: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.82, p. 409-416]

•      Pink Star Quarry [Fullagar, P.D., Lemmon, R.E., and Ragland, P.C. (1971) Petrology and Geochronological Studies of Plutonic Rocks In The Southern Applachians; I, The Salisbury Pluton: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.82, p. 409-416]
•      Woodleaf Quarry, Woodleaf [Rocks & Min.: 60:96; Tschernich, R. (1992): Zeolites of the World, 116]

Surry Co.
•      Elkin Quarry [Stephan Brewer Harper, 1977, The Age and Origin of Granitic Gneisses of the Inner Piedmont, Northwestern North Carolina]

Swain Co.
•      Cox No. 1 Feldspar and Kaolin Mine, Bryson City Feldspar District [U.S Geological Survey, 2005, Mineral Resources Data System: U.S Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia]

Vance Co.
•      Tungsten Queen Mine and plant (Hamme Mine; Haile Mines; Sneed-Walker), Tungsten, Hamme Tungsten District [Parker, John M. "Geologic setting of the Hamme Tungsten District North Carolina and Virginia". NCGS bulletin 1122-G, Raleigh, 1963; Econ Geol (1980) 75:515-522]   

Yancey Co.
•      Ray Mica Mine (Wray Mine), Hurricane Mountain, Burnsville, Spruce Pine District [Miller, J.W. and Allen, C.W. "Mineralogy of the Ray Mica Mine, Yancey County, North Carolina." UNCA, 2001.]  (Fluorite, var: Chlorophane, var: Yttrofluorite, and var: Yttrocerite)

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Re: Fluorite
Reply #8 - Sep 5th, 2014 at 10:29pm
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I see a lot of NC places but what about VA. I am still starting out my collection and is there any places here or do I need to take a trip down south
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Laurie Adams
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Re: Fluorite
Reply #9 - Sep 6th, 2014 at 1:06am
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Brian, Virginia is not known for fluorite, though there are a few obscure localities, but you need not come to NC or go out of state to collect excellent minerals, Virginia is an awesome state as far as minerals go.  There are fine localities throughout the state.  Many are still open to collecting, especially if you go on club trips.  Join the nearest mineral club, study the literature, and have at it.
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Re: Fluorite
Reply #10 - Sep 6th, 2014 at 6:39pm
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Thank you, Laurie. I have yet to fully compare lists but am
looking forward to it. Wink
I believe fluorite has been added to the list of minerals found
at the Crabtree Emerald Mine and Rick was just not aware of it when his book was published.
For years I figured what fluorite, (all purple I think), found at Crabtree
was the result of "salting" by the mine owners back in the 70's and 80's.
Single crystals would still be a hard call but now several pieces of the Crabtree Pegamatite
have been found with fluorite. In issue #1 of "American Rockhound", Jan/Feb/March 2014,
in his article on the Crabtree Emerald Mine, Rick has a very
good picture of a nice piece of the peg with several small purple cubes of fluorite in it. Pic Page 44.
I believe we will have to include the Crabtree Mine in the "Specimens" list.

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Laurie Adams
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Re: Fluorite
Reply #11 - Sep 7th, 2014 at 9:35pm
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Thanks for setting me straight Joe.  Mindat needs to change their reference, but I am happy that there is fluorite at Crabtree, and congrats to Rick Jaquot for bringing this discovery to the world.
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Re: Fluorite
Reply #12 - Sep 8th, 2014 at 1:02pm
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I have had a chance to compare lists, and do a little research,
and I agree with your deletions from the Mindat list, Laurie.
The real question I have is how many more sites could we delete?
Unfortunately, I have not seen many good fluorite specimens
from the mountain region and I cannot find good pics or information.
When you look up information about sites where fluorite is mentioned as being present
I am not finding any pics and just a "token" mention.
For instance, there are several sites listed for Madison County
but what does it look like? And I am curious about Beaufort County?

I am surprised at the number of sites on the list for NC as you never see any of it.
Now that we have compiled a list of "known occurrences"
maybe we can pick a Top 10 for specimen quality, preferably with pics. Cool

Here is my list of counties with recorded occurrences of fluorite of "possible" specimen quality.
It is the same as Laurie's except for the addition of Harnett County to the Coastal Region.

Mountain Region:
Burke, Caldwell, Madison, Michell, Swain, and Yancey.
( suggested primary counties; Madison?, Mitchell, and Yancey.)

Piedmont Region:
Catawba, Cleveland, Lee, Moore, Rockingham, Rowan, Surry, and Vance.
(Notable exclusions; Gaston and Randolph.)
(suggested primary counties; Cleveland, Lee, Moore, and Vance.)

Coastal Region:
Halifax, Harnett, and Pitt.
I am not familiar with the fluorite from the "Boy Scout Occurrence" in Halifax
or the Fountain Quarry in Pitt although I have heard of them.
I have seen and collected the fluorite from the Bunn Level Quarry in Harnett
and would suggest it as a primary county based on what I've seen.

I'm sure there could be other additions to our list but it will be tons of fun trying to track down
and verify quality from the sites all ready mentioned! Wink

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Re: Fluorite
Reply #13 - Sep 8th, 2014 at 3:47pm
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Okay, Joe:

Here are my photos of NC fluorite specimens.  These three specimens are all from the Hamme Tungsten Mine, Vance Co.

Photo 1:  Courtesy of the Colburn Museum, Asheville, NC.

Photo 2:  Courtesy of the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh, NC.

Photos 3 & 4 (closeup):  Ex. Linten B. Greene collection; Ex. Dennis W. Herman collection; currently in the Kenny Gay collection.  The closeup shows micro Chalcopyrite crystals scattered on the light green fluorite crystals.



Colburn_Fluorite_2.jpg ( 212 KB | 162 Downloads )
Vance_Green_Flourite_Hamme_Mine.jpg ( 234 KB | 169 Downloads )
Hamme_Mine_-_Ex__Herman_collection.jpg ( 121 KB | 154 Downloads )
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Re: Fluorite
Reply #14 - Sep 8th, 2014 at 5:01pm
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Thanks, Dennis.
Yes, if you research Fluorite in NC you would think the Hamme Mine, or Tungsten Queen,
in Vance County was the only source in the state!

Of the 17230 pics of fluorite on Mindat only 6 are from NC!
One pic each from the Foote Mine, Cleveland Co., the Woodleaf Quarry in Rowan Co., and the Hamme Mine in Vance.
The rest are very poor specimens from Glendon in Moore Co.

I went to the museum this afternoon just to see what they had on exhibit.
Besides for the piece from the Hamme pictured above, the only other
piece of fluorite they had was also from the Hamme.
The fluorite is a very pretty green but more a "massive" formation on this piece.
The calcite on the fluorite really tops the specimen off nicely, tho. Smiley


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